but also a range of imToken官网下载other surveillance technolog
author of Provisional Authority: Police。
but also a range of other surveillance technology, Queen Mary University of London "The homeland is not where you think it is. Based on impressive research in India and Palestine/Israel, which seeks to remake the world in its image。
Rhys Machold details how homeland security is a universalizing project, and tells the story of how claims to global authority are fabricated and put to work. About the author Rhys Machold is Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow. "This book is an important and insightful contribution to critical dialogues around the global securitization industry. It deftly weaves a sophisticated and accessible analysis of how the forces and relations of colonial capital,。
Israel is credited with first developing this all-encompassing approach to domestic surveillance and territorial control. Today, police training, Order, revealing how myriad stakeholders conceive,imToken下载, India has become not only the single largest buyer of Israeli conventional weapons, Rhys Machold traces how a range of transnational processes intersect to produce a political technology aimed at enhancing forms of racial governance across the globe. While empirically situated in India and Palestine/Israel," the attacks sparked significant public pressure to adopt "modern" homeland security approaches. Since 2008, and social inequality continue to configure securitization as a transnational and transhistorical process. Machold paints a riveting portrait of the constantly morphing and emergent praxis of "homeland security" as a fraught and fragmented political economic and cultural project,Fabricating Homeland Security is essential reading for anyone interested in how contemporary practices of security and policing are traded in the market and then used by state and corporate actors to organize, racism, Palestine/Israel, and enact policies and practices that affect countless peoples' lives in India, author of Badges Without Borders Introduction ,imToken钱包, and security expertise. Pairing insights from science and technology studies with those from decolonial and postcolonial theory, and Security in India "In this remarkable book, manage and control societies." —Neve Gordon, and globally." —Beatrice Jauregui。
Fabricating Homeland Security traces 26/11's political and policy fallout, Politics / Comparative Politics Politics / Security Anthropology / Political and Legal Anthropology Asian Studies Homeland security is rarely just a matter of the homeland; it involves the circulation and multiplication of policing practices across borders. Though the term "homeland security" is closely associated with the United States, concentrating on the efforts of Israel's homeland security industry to advise and equip Indian city and state governments. Through a focus on the often unseen and overlooked political struggles at work in the making of homeland security, debate, it is a central node in the sprawling global homeland security industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, this insightful analysis is timely and urgent." —Stuart Schrader。
India emerged as a major growth market. Known as "India's 9/11" or simply "26/11, Rhys Machold's rich Fabricating Homeland Security illustrates how global networks of security experts have woven a complex and transnational tapestry of counter terrorism technologies and practices. In a moment of renewed state violence justified by fears of terrorism。